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Playing with Wooden Alphabets

Current Students

Welcome to the Lakeview Community Preschool

We are thrilled to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you and your little one at our preschool. It's an honor to have you join our close-knit community where children embark on a journey of growth, discovery, and fun-filled learning experiences.

Key Dates


Reminders Prior to School Starting:

  • * Very Important* Please ensure you (and anyone from your family volunteering in the classroom) have completed your police volunteer check and provided the copy to the Registrars. You are unable to complete your volunteer duties without this police check in place. 

  • Ms. Funke and Mrs. Jenkins will ask for parent volunteer preferred days to build the volunteer schedule at Orientation.  They will email/text out the volunteer schedule for the first few months shortly after Orientation. A gentle reminder that our program requires a parent/family volunteer for class to occur. Please ensure to review the schedule and communicate with other parents in your class if you need to switch a date. 

  • To ensure the health and well-being of our educators, volunteers and students, please refer to our sick policy here:

Preparing your child

  • Students will need to bring a snack and water bottle with them each day to school. Please ensure this is in containers they can open themselves. We are a peanut free facility so please ensure snacks do not contain peanut products or popcorn. 

  • Please have their backpacks/jackets well labeled. We also request that they have inside shoes that they bring each day in their backpacks to wear inside. 

  • At Orientation, our teachers and Board will review some tips & tricks to help adjust your students to preschool. They are pros as Ms. Funke just celebrated her 20h anniversary with the Lakeview Preschool and Mrs. Jenkins celebrated her 10th anniversary! 

Extended Hours

We're pleased to offer extended hours before and after class times for an additional fee.


You may do a drop-in for $20 or register your child for the full year. $80/month for 3 year olds and $90/month for 4 year olds.

*Note - Drop-in hours needs to be confirmed by a teacher through text prior to dropping off your child to ensure we have enough room.


To pay your deposit for Extended care, visit:


  • Tuesday, September 5th: Parent Orientation Night (parents only please)

    • 6:30 pm – 4-year-old parents to please attend Orientation at the Lakeview Baptist Church

    • 7:00 pm – all parents (both 3 year old and 4 year old programs); at 7:30pm the 4 year old parents can leave

    • 7:30  pm – 3-year old parents to attend the 3 year old registration for 30 minutes

    • 8:00 pm – Orientation evening is complete

    • Our registrar will also be passing out your Lakeview Membership cards at check in at Orientation night

    • We will also be asking for volunteers sign-up

  • Thursday September 7th: 3-year-old Meet and Greet

    • 9:30 am - 10:30 am​

    • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

  • Friday September 8th: 4-year-old classes begin

  • September 11th - Before and after care starts for the 4 year olds. 

  • Tuesday September 12th and Thursday September 14th: 3-year-old classes begin – more details to be shared at Orientation 

  • Thursday October 12thth: 3-year-old school photos

  • Friday October 13th: 4-year-old school photos 


As a volunteer run, not-for-profit program, we rely on the generous time and fundraising dollars contributed by our families and community. 


We host a number of different fundraisers throughout the year that directly provides our classroom with supplies and special events such as skating, classroom visitors, etc.


If you are interested in donating your time or organizing a fundrasier, please let our board know. We will communicate our fundrasiers for the year at orientation and hope that you and your family or friends can help us reach our 2024 goal.

Egg and Spoon Race
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